Hairfall and Grey hair Pathophysiology & Ayurvedic home remedies

Shrut Ayurved

10th Feb, 2024

रोग और ऊपचार

What is hairfall? Hairfall is a common concern affecting people worldwide, transcending geographical boundaries and lifestyles. In the realm of Ayurveda, …

Hairfall and Grey hair Pathophysiology & Ayurvedic home remedies

What is hairfall?

Hairfall is a common concern affecting people worldwide, transcending geographical boundaries and lifestyles. In the realm of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, hairfall is perceived as a manifestation of imbalances within the body’s doshas and digestion. Hairfall Ayurveda offers a holistic approach focusing on internal and external factors. Traditional Ayurvedic wisdom suggests incorporating specific herbs and lifestyle practices to rebalance the doshas and promote hair health. One such hairfall remedy is the use of Bhringraj (Eclipta alba), known for its rejuvenating properties that nourish hair follicles and strengthen roots.
आयुर्वेद मे hairfall को इन्द्रलुप्त(Indralupta) और खलित्य(Khalitya) बोला गया है । माधव निदान की मधुकोश टीका में कहा गया है कि इंद्रलुप्त वह है जो मूंछ और दाढ़ी पर, खालित्य शिर पर और रुहया पूरे शरीर पर होता है। इंद्रलुप्त को एलोपेसिया एरीटा माना जा सकता है। आयुर्वेद के अनुसार, ख़राब वात के साथ मिलकर ख़राब पित्त सिर से बाल झड़ने का कारण बनता है। उसके बाद, दूषित रक्त और कफ बालों के रोम के छिद्रों को अवरुद्ध कर देते हैं जिससे नए बालों का विकास रुक जाता है। इसे इन्द्रलुप्त बोलते है। आयुर्वेद मे Grey hair को पालित्य रोग नाम से जाना जाता है।
On the flip side, conventional medical perspectives attribute Hairfall to various factors such as genetics, hormonal imbalances, and environmental stressors, and alopecia areata. Modern hair loss treatments often involve pharmaceutical interventions and cosmetic procedures.
In this discourse, we’ll explore both Ayurvedic and conventional viewpoints on hairfall, shedding light on the diverse approaches available. Striking a balance between ancient wisdom and contemporary science, individuals can make informed choices to address their unique concerns and embark on a journey towards healthier, resilient hair. Stay tuned for insights into specific Ayurvedic remedies and their potential integration into your daily routine.

What is grey hair?

Grey hair is a common concern that can be approached from both conventional and Ayurvedic perspectives. In Ayurveda, premature greying is often associated with an imbalance in the Pitta dosha, which governs metabolism and digestion. Ayurvedic hair home remedies may include the use of herbs like Bhringraj, Amla, and Brahmi, known for their hair-nourishing properties. On the other hand, conventional medicine attributes grey hair to factors like genetics, age, and a decrease in melanin production. While Ayurveda emphasizes holistic well-being, mainstream approaches may involve topical solutions or hair dyes. Combining insights from both traditions can provide a comprehensive perspective on managing grey hair.

Hairfall Cause according to Ayurveda

  • अतिलवणसेवन (Atilavanshevan) – Excessive salt consumption
  • अतीक्षारसेवन (Atiksharsevan) – Excessive sour intake
  • विरुद्धाहार (Viruddhahara) – Incompatible diet
  • अतिआतपसेवन (Atiatapsevan) – Excessive heat exposure
  • अवसाद (Avsaad) – Despondency or depression
  • Hairfall can be caused by a decrease in asthi dhatu or vitiation of asthi dhatu. As formation of hair is by waste product of asthi dhatu and hair dependent upon it for nutrition

Hairfall cause as per modern science


  • Genetic: Androgenic Alopecia or male or female pattern baldness, which is one of the most common causes. When genes carry the genetic predisposition to hair loss, it is termed genetic hair loss.
  • Stress related: Hairfall is triggered due to physical or mental stress that pushes the majority of hair into the telogen shedding phase and this is also called Telogen Effluvium.
  • Nutritional deficiencies: Diets that lack sufficient amounts of proteins, iron, and certain vitamins and minerals can make hair structurally weak, causing them easily to fall out.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle: Disturbed sleep cycles, lack of physical activities, alcohol, and smoking interfere with the body’s normal functioning causing hormonal imbalances and leading to hair loss.
  • Health conditions: Health conditions such as PCOS, thyroid, depression, covid, dengue, and typhoid can trigger hair loss. Not only do health conditions directly affect hair loss but certain medications also increase hair loss.
  • Internal Health: Poor digestion, metabolism, and absorption can affect nutrition levels, hormonal balance, dosha balance, and bone health all of which can contribute to hair loss by aggravating existing hair loss conditions.
  • Environment: Exposure to constant pollution, elements, and hard water can also aggravate hair loss by deteriorating scalp health.

Pathophysiology of Hairfall in Ayurveda

Ruksha and khara properties of Vata, Ushna, and tikshna properties of pitta respectively, the Sneha and pichchhilatva of the kapha dosa are dried up within the pores of the skin of the scalp thus, the obstruction to the further growth of new hairs cause khalitya

Males are more susceptible than females in the case of khalitya (Hairfall). It usually is due to the presence of an excessive quantity of the androgenic hormone testosterone. The patient notices his hair entangled in a comb or brush, thinning of the scalp hair subsequently raising his level of worry. Khalitya in younger age is increasing rapidly, in this age an effective as well as long-lasting treatment is the need of the hour.
The etiological factors like Atilavanseven, Atiksharseven, Viruddhahara, Atiatapseven, Avsaad, autoimmune diseases, nutritional deficiency, etc. are responsible for khalitya

Ayurvedic Hair home remedies


बालो का जड़ना ओर बाल सफेद होने से रोकने के घरेलू आयुर्वेदिक उपचार

Ayurvedic management of alopecia areata

(Reference – Siddha prayoga sangrah)

  • हर रोज तैल की मालिश करने से नये बाल उगते है ओर बलो का जडना कम हो जाता है ओर बाल काले होते है |
    आयुर्वेद मे चरक संहिता मे लिखा है।
    नित्यं स्नेहार्द्रशिरसः शिरःशूलं न जायते|
    न खालित्यं न पालित्यं न केशाः प्रपतन्ति च||
    बलं शिरःकपालानां विशेषेणाभिवर्धते|
    दृढमूलाश्च दीर्घाश्च कृष्णाः केशा भवन्ति च ।।
    इन्द्रियाणि प्रसीदन्ति सुत्वग्भवति चाननम् ।
    निद्रालाभः सुखं च स्यान्मूर्ध्नि तैलनिषेवणात्।। ch su 5
  • भृंगराज तैल,
    आमला तैल,
    तिल तैल 250 ml,
    कोपरेल तैल 250 ml,
    एरंड तैल 200 ml,
    गुंजा तैल 100 ml,
    करंज तैल 100 ml,
    निम्ब तैल 100 ml,
    इन सभी तैल को मिलाके भीमसेनी कपूर 50 gm डालके गरम करके भर लीजिए । हर रोज इस तैल की मालीस शिर मे करने से नए बाल निकल आते है ओर बालो का जड़ना कम हो जाता है ।
  • आमला 20gm,
    बहेडा 10gm,
    आम की गुथली की गिरि 50gm,
    लोह चूर्ण 10gm
    इन सभी चूर्ण को लोहे की कडाहि मे रात भर भिगो के शुभः बाल मे लगाने से बाल काले हो जाते है |
  • आमला, भृङ्गराज, ब्राह्मी, काले तिल, मुलहेठि, महेंदि
    इन सभी के चूर्ण को रात को लोहे के पात्र मे भिगो के सुबह लगाने से बाल काले हो जाते है |
  • आमला को भान्गरे के स्वरस मे भिगो दे | रस सुख जाने पर पुन भान्गरे के रस मे भिगो दे |इस प्रकार 7बार भावना दे के अच्छी तरह छाया शुष्क कर पीसकर रख दे | 3gm प्रतिदिन जल से सेवन करने से तथा मिरची, गुड आदि का परहेज रखने से जड मूल से श्वेत बाल काले हो जाते है |
  • नीम पत्तो को पानी मे उबाल कर ठण्डा हो जाने पर इसी पानी से बाल धोने से केश द्रढ होते है उनका जडना ओर गिरना बन्ध हो जाता है |
  • जहा बाल गिर गये हो वहा भान्गरे को पीस कर दिन मे 3-4 बार लेप करने से कुछ दीनो मे बाल पूर्ववत उग जाते है |
  • शिकाकाई, अरिथा, आमला
    एकत्र कर चूर्ण कर रात्रि मे भिगो दे, ओर सुभह उबाल कर छान ले, जब ठण्डा हो जाय तब पानी के साथ शिर को धोने से बाल चमकदार, काले होते है ओर उनका जडना रुक् जाता है |
  • पटोल पत्र स्वरस तथा कुटकी समभाग जल के साथ पिसकर लेप करने से तथा लेप को गोमुत्र से साफ़ करने से केश उत्पति होकर नये बाल उगते है, खलित्य दूर होता है |
  • रात्रि को शिर पर नीम के तैल का मर्दन करने से कुछ दीनो मे बालो की जुये लीके आदि नष्ट हो जाती है |
  • प्रात काल सौच आदि से निवृत हो कर आमला 1 वर्ष तक खाने से बालो का गिरना, श्वेत हो जाना, रुखापन आदि मे लाभ होता है |
  • त्रिफला घृत 10gm दुध के साथ प्रातः सायं सेवन करे |
  • आमलकी चूर्ण +मिश्री सेवन करे |
  • षड्बिन्दु तैल के 2 drops नाक मे डाले (नस्य ) |
  • काले तिल 100gm,
    आमला 100gm,
    मुलहठी 100gm,
    भांगरा 100gm,
    लोह भस्म 50gm,
    मिश्री 500gm
    इन सब का चूर्ण ओर मिश्री की चासनि बनाकर पाक विधि से बर्फ़ी बना कर खाये |


In conclusion, addressing Hairfall necessitates a comprehensive understanding of both Ayurvedic principles and modern perspectives. The amalgamation of ancient remedies, like Bhringraj, with contemporary approaches provides a nuanced solution. Whether opting for traditional Ayurvedic practices individuals can tailor their approach based on personal preferences and efficacy. Recognizing the interconnectedness of holistic wellness and hair health, the journey to combat Hairfall is an individualized path. By embracing Ayurveda and modern science, individuals can navigate towards not just arresting Hairfall but fostering overall well-being.

4 responses to “Hairfall and Grey hair Pathophysiology & Ayurvedic home remedies”

  1. Poojan says:

    बहुत धन्यवाद authentic जानकारी देने के लिए।

  2. Tejal says:

    Wonderful work done by team Shrutayu, you have collected so many references and presented in a very understanding manner here

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