Gandhak rasayan benefits, Uses, Side effects and how to use it?

Shrut Ayurved

9th Apr, 2024

Ayurvedic Formulation

Reference Rasatantra sara Sidha prayog sangrha The Ayurvedic Formulary of India Yogaratnakara, Rasayandhikara What is Gandhak Rasayan? Gandhak Rasayan, a prominent formulation in Ayurveda, holds …

Gandhak rasayan benefits, Uses, Side effects and how to use it?


Rasatantra sara Sidha prayog sangrha

The Ayurvedic Formulary of India

Yogaratnakara, Rasayandhikara

What is Gandhak Rasayan?

Gandhak Rasayan, a prominent formulation in Ayurveda, holds a significant place in traditional medicine. Derived from Gandhak (Sulfur), this preparation is revered for its therapeutic properties. Used for centuries in Ayurvedic practice, Gandhak Rasayan is renowned for its ability to balance bodily doshas and promote overall well-being. Its diverse applications range from treating skin disorders to respiratory ailments, showcasing its versatility and efficacy. Rooted in ancient wisdom, Gandhak Rasayan continues to garner attention in contemporary healthcare for its holistic approach to healing.

Gandhak Rasayan in Ayurveda

Regular consumption of gandhak rasayan tablet Increases vitality and strength, enhances digestive power, and fortifies the body. It helps in the treatment of conditions like itching, leprosy, and severe toxin imbalance, which can be alleviated within two months of usage. Additionally, it effectively combats intense diarrhea, dysentery, hemorrhoids, chronic fever, diabetes, rheumatism, gastrointestinal disorders, testicular enlargement, and lunar disorders. Continued usage for six months results in the darkening of hair and the attainment of youthful vigor. In summary, this compound serves as a remedy for numerous ailments, transforming even frail bodies into robust, disease-resistant, and long-lived ones. It promotes an increase in seminal fluid, balances the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), and strengthens the body. It eliminates chronic fevers, chronic diseases, tuberculosis, diabetes, anemia, consumption (wasting syndrome), asthma, and hemorrhoids, rendering the body radiant and energetic.

What are the properties of Gandhak Rasayan tablet?

  • Antibacterial
  • Antifungal
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antioxidant
  • Antipruritic
  • Expectorant
  • Detoxifying
  • Immunomodulatory
  • Antiparasitic
  • Wound healing
  • Anti parasitic

What are the gandhak rasayan tablet benefits?

Gandhak Rasayan tablet

  • Krimighna activity (Anti microbial/ antifungal activity):
    Sulphonamides, which are known antimicrobial agents, Sulphur is an important constituent of it. They prevent folic acid synthesis in bacteria and inhibit the growth of bacteria. Sulfur is a free element that cannot be metabolized by the body, only sulfate ion form can be metabolized, so in gandhak rasayan because of Bhavna, it is converted into an inorganic ion which increases the rate of absorption.
  • Detoxifying:
    It acts as a powerful detoxifying agent, aiding in the elimination of toxins and impurities from the body. This property helps in purifying the blood and improving overall health.
  • Anti-inflammatory:
    Gandhak Rasayana exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, which can help alleviate inflammation and related symptoms in conditions such as arthritis, skin disorders, and gastrointestinal issues.

What does Gandhak Rasayan tablet contain?

शुद्धो बलिर्गोपयसा विभाव्य ततश्चतुर्जातगुडूचिकाभिः ।
पथ्याक्षधात्र्यौषधभृंगराजैर्भाव्योऽष्टवारं पृथगार्द्रकेण ।।
शुद्धे सितां योजय तुल्यभागां रसायनं गन्धकराजसंज्ञम् ।।
कर्षोन्मितं सेवितमेति मर्यो वीर्यं च पुष्टिं दृढदेहवह्निम् ।।
कण्डूं च कुष्ठं विषदोषमुग्रं मासद्वयेनेह जयेत्प्रयोगः ।
घोरातिसारं ग्रहणीगदं च हरेच्च रक्तं दृढशूलयुक्तम् ।।
जीर्णज्वरे मेहगणे प्रकृष्टं वातामयानां हरणे समर्थम्।
प्रजाकरं केशमतीव कृष्णं करोति चेद् भक्षति चार्धवर्षम् ।।
Yoga Ratnakara, Rasayanadhikara 1-4

SI No Sanskrit name Botanical Name Quantity
01 Shudha Gandhak Purified Sulphur
Bhavana Drvyas
02 Godugdha Cow milk 8 times
03 Chaturjata Kvatha(Tvak, Ela, Tejapatra, Nagkesar) 8 times
04 Guduchi Svaras Tinospora Cordifolia 8 times
05 Harde Kvath Terminalia Chebula 8 times
06 Bibhitaki Kvath Terminalia bellirica 8 times
07 Amalaki Kvath Emblica officinalis 8 times
08 Bhringraj Svaras Eclipta alba 8 times
09 Adrak Svaras Zingiber officinalis 8 times

What is the indication of Gandhak Rasayan mentioned in Ayurveda?

  • Kandu (Itching)
  • Kustha (Diseases of skin)
  • Visha Vikara (Disorders due to poison)
  • Virya kshaya (Azoospermia)
  • Agnimandya (Digestive impairment)
  • Atisara (Diarrhoea)
  • Grahani (Malabsorption syndrome)
  • Shula (Colicky Pain)
  • Jirnajvara (Chronic fever)
  • Meha (Excessive flow of urine)

Specific quality of main ingredient

  • Gandhak is known as Shulbari(opposite of Copper). Copper is essential for the formation of melanin, it is synthesized with the help of an enzyme with the use of Cu. That’s why skin becomes pale in copper deficiency. Gandhak(Sulphur) is the opposite of Copper, so it inhibits melanin formation and makes skin white. In Shvithra use of gandhak rasayan is prohibited.
  • Phytochemicals like carbohydrates, steroids, and tannins were present in Gandhaka Rasayana. Carbohydrates act as antidiarrhoeal and play an important role in wound healing. Tannins are astringent, cardiotonic, and useful in skin eruptions boils, and diarrhea.
  • Elements like Iron (433.84), Cu (32.77), Ni (10.32), Zn (10.32), Ca (0.84%), Na (0.17%), As (12.14%) were noted in Gandhak Rasayan Iron helps in formation of Hb, whereas Cu acts as a catalyst in Hb formation and also helps growth, gastrointestinal and reproductive functions, Ca is the main constituent of bone and teeth and also help in blood coagulation and muscle concentration, Na plays an important role in electrolyte balance, Zinc aids in protein metabolism and plays important role in wound healing and spermatogenesis.

What is the dose of Gandhak Rasayan?

1 Masha (0.97 grams)

How to take Gandhak Rasayan and when?

One tablet can be taken once or twice a day with Sita.

Common Queries

What is Pathya-Apathya in Gandhak Rasayan?

पथ्य-शक्कर, साठी चांवल, गोघृत, केला, सैंधानमक, आम के पक्के मधुर फल, दालचीनी, पुराना शहद, मांस, नागरबेल का पान, सुपार कत्था आदि।

अपथ्य-नमक, खट्टे पदार्थ, शाक-भाजी, सब प्रकार की दालें, चाय, कॉफी, तेल, गुड़, बीड़ी या सिगरेट पीना, स्त्री-प्रसंग, सवा पर बैठना और कसरत और अग्नि सेवन और सूर्य के ताप से हो सके उतना बचना चाहिये।

Who should not take gandhak rasayan?

Individuals with hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to sulfur compounds should avoid Gandhak Rasayan. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as children, should also refrain from its use unless directed by a healthcare professional.

What are the side effect of Gandhak rasayan tablet?

Possible side effect of Gadhak Rasayan tablet are Bloating, Loose stool and allergy when taken in large quantity.


In conclusion, Gandhak Rasayanstands as a testament to the enduring wisdom of Ayurveda, offering a holistic approach to health and healing. With its diverse array of therapeutic properties, including antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant among others, Gandhak Rasayan continues to play a pivotal role in traditional medicine. Its centuries-old lineage combined with modern research underscores its relevance in contemporary healthcare practices.

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