Chandrakala Rasa benefits, Uses, Side effects and how to use it?

Shrut Ayurved

24th Apr, 2024

Ayurvedic Formulation

What is Chandrakala Rasa? Chandrakala rasa is a renowned Ayurvedic formulation highly regarded for its efficacy in addressing urinary …

Chandrakala Rasa benefits, Uses, Side effects and how to use it?

What is Chandrakala Rasa?

Chandrakala rasa is a renowned Ayurvedic formulation highly regarded for its efficacy in addressing urinary tract infections (UTIs), urethral strictures, and related urological conditions. Formulated with a potent blend of natural ingredients, Chandrakala rasa has been traditionally used to alleviate symptoms associated with UTIs, including discomfort during urination and frequent urges. Its therapeutic properties extend to managing conditions like benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), commonly affecting older individuals. Recognized as one of the best UTI medicines in Ayurveda, Chandrakala rasa offers holistic relief from bladder infections and supports urinary system health. Its multifaceted approach as best UTI treatment underscores its significance in Ayurvedic practice, emphasizing the importance of herbal remedies in managing urological ailments.

Chandrakala Rasa in Ayurveda

यह रसायन सब प्रकार के रक्तपित्त, रक्तप्रदर, मूत्रकृच्छ्र, अश्मरी, दुस्तर प्रमेह, अम्लपित्त, अन्तर्दाह, बाह्यदाह, भ्रम, मूर्छा, रक्त की वमन और ज्वर आदि रोगों को दूर करता है। यह रसायन शीतल होने पर भी जठाराग्नि को मन्द नही करता। एवं वातपित्तप्रकोप तथा अधोगामी
और ऊर्ध्वगामी रक्तपित्त रोग में ग्रीष्म जैसी उष्ण ऋतु में भी शान्तिदायक है। यह चन्द्रकला रस ऐसे विविध द्रव्यों के संयोग से तैयार हुआ है कि रक्तवाहिनी के लिये प्रसादक और स्तम्भक, दोनों कार्य करता है। मुख्य कार्य समग्र रुधिराभिसरण और रुधिरवाहिनी पर शामक और प्रसादक है। जब-जब रक्त का दबाव बढ़ने से अन्तर्दाह, बहिर्दाह और रुधिरवाहिनी मोटी होकर चक्कर, मूर्च्छा, भ्रम आदि उत्पन्न होते हैं या रक्त में पित्तमिश्रित होकर रक्तविदग्ध होता है तथा इसी हेतु से अन्तर्दाह और रुधिरंवाहिनियों की दीवार की विकृति होकर विविध व्याधियों की उत्पत्ति होती है, उस पर इसका अच्छा उपयोग होता है। तीव्र सेन्द्रिय विष के योग से रक्त विकृत होकर भ्रम, प्रलाप, ज्वर आदि लक्षण उपस्थित होने पर चन्द्रकला का प्रयोग किया जाता है। इस तरह पित्त की तीव्रता, विशिष्ट सेन्द्रिय विष या विशिष्ट कीटाणु के हेतु से समग्र मूत्रमार्ग विकृत होकर मूत्रकृच्छ्र या मूत्राघात होने पर इस रसायन का सेवन कराया जाता है। इनके अतिरिक्त मस्तिष्क, मध्यम कोष्ठ, मध्यम रोममार्ग, मूत्रमार्ग और विशेषतः रक्त इनमें पित्त के तीक्ष्णत्व और उष्णत्व गुण की वृद्धि होने पर भिन्न-भिन्न व्याधियों पर चन्द्रकला उत्तम औषधि है।


Yogaratnakara; Mutrakricchra Chikitsa

Nighantu Ratnakar

The Ayurvedic Formulary of India

Rasatantra sara Sidha prayog sangrha

What are the properties of Chandrakala Rasa?

  • Antimicrobial
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Diuretic
  • Cooling
  • Prostate health
  • Detoxifying

What are the Benefits of Chandrakala Rasa ?

Chandrakala rasa use

  • All Pittaroga (All diseases due to Pitta dosha):
    Chandrakala Rasa helps balance Pitta dosha, it is useful in Pitta dosha’s Ushna and Tikshna guna. It reduces Bhrama, Daha, Trishna, Udarshula, etc.
  • Daha (Burning sensation):
    It has Prasadka properties, Most ingredients are Shita guna so it reduces Daha in the body. Daha due to excessive sun exposure, Fire exposure, Alcohol drinking, or eating hot items is useful.
  • Mutrakricchra (Dysuria):
    In Mutrakrchha, Mutraghata, Mutradaha due to Ushna guna Chandrakala Rasa is useful.
  • Urdhvagata Raktapitta (Bleeding from orifices of the upper part of the body):
    Due to Pitta using Guna Shleshmik kala becomes thin and it causes bleeding from the upper part of the body, in this condition Chandrakala Rasa is useful. In Epistaxis Chandrakala Rasa can be given with Ushirasava and Sarivavleha.
  • Raktapradara (Menorrhagia or Metrorrhagia or both):
    Chandrakala Rasa’s ability to regulate Pitta dosha and improve blood circulation can help manage abnormal uterine bleeding, including heavy menstrual bleeding or irregular bleeding between periods.

What does Chandrakala Rasa contain?

प्रत्येकं कर्षमात्रं स्यात्सूतं ताम्र तथाऽभ्रकम् ।
द्विगुणं गन्धकं चैव कृत्वा कज्जलिकां शुभाम् ।।१।।
मुस्तादाडिमदूर्वोत्थैः केतकीस्तनजद्रवैः ।
सहदेव्याः कुमार्याश्च पर्पटस्य च वारिणा ।।२।।
रामशीतलिकातोयैः शतावर्या रसेन च ।
भावयित्वा प्रयत्नेन दिवसे दिवसे पृथक् ।।३।।
तिक्ता गुडूचिकासत्त्वं पर्पटोशीरमाधवी ।
श्रीगन्धं सारिवा चैषां समानं सूक्ष्मचूर्णितम् ।।४।।
द्राक्षाफलकषायेण सप्तधा परिभावयेत् ।
ततः पोताश्रयं कृत्वा वट्यः कार्याश्चणोपमा ।।५।।
अयं चन्द्रकलानाम्ना रसेन्द्रः परिकीर्तितः ।
सर्वपित्तगदध्वंसी वातपित्तगदापहः ।। ६ ।।
अन्तर्बाह्यमहादाहविध्वंसनमहाघनः ।
ग्रीष्मकाले शरत्काले विशेषेण प्रशस्यते ।। ७ ।।
कुरुते नाग्निमान्द्यं च महातापं ज्वरं हरेत् ।
भ्रममूर्च्छाहरश्चाऽऽशु स्त्रीणां रक्तं महास्रवम् । ।८ ।।
ऊर्ध्वाधो रक्तपित्तं च रक्तवान्तिं विशेषतः ।
मूत्रकृच्छ्राणि सर्वाणि नाशयेन्नात्र संशयः ।।९ ।।
(योगरत्नाकर, मूत्रकृच्छ्रचिकित्सा, पृष्ठ ५४३)

SI No Sanskrit name Botanical Name Quantity
01 Shudha Parada bhasma Purified Mercury 12gm
02 Shudha Tamra bhasma Purified Copper 12gm
03 Shudha Abhrak Bhasma Purified Mica 12gm
04 Shudha Gandhak Bhasma Purified Sulphur 24gm
05 Musta Kvatha Cyperus rotundus linn Q.S. Bhavana 7 Times
06 Dadima Svarasa Punica granatum Q.S. Bhavana 7 Times
07 Durva Svarasa Cynodont dactylon pers Q.S. Bhavana 7 Times
08 Ketaki Svarasa Costus specious Q.S. Bhavana 7 Times
09 Godugdha Cow milk Q.S. Bhavana 7 Times
10 Sahdevi Vernonia cineria Q.S. Bhavana 7 Times
11 Kumari svarasa Aloe vera chinensis Q.S. Bhavana 7 Times
12 Parpata Fumaria indica Q.S. Bhavana 7 Times
13 Ramsitalika Toya(Maruva) Bombax malabaricum Q.S. Bhavana 7 Times
14 Shatavari rasa Asparagus racemosus Q.S. Bhavana 7 Times
15 Katuka Picrorhiza kurrooa 12gm
16 Guduchi Satva Tinospora cordifolia 12gm
17 Parpata Fumaria indica 12gm
18 Ushira Vetiveria zizanioides 12gm
19 Madhavi Hiptage benghalensis 12gm
20 Shveta Chandana Santalum album 12gm
21 Shveta Sariva Hemidesmus indicus 12gm
22 Draksha Kashaya Vitis vinifera Q.S. Bhavana 7 Times

What are the indications of Chandrakala Rasa mentioned in Ayurveda?

  • All Pittaroga (All diseases due to Pitta dosha)
  • Vatapitta Roga (Disease due to Vata dosha and Pitta dosha)
  • Antardaha (Internal Burning sensation)
  • Bahyadaha (Burning sensation )
  • Mahatapa (Severe body temperature)
  • Jvara (Fever)
  • Bhrama (Vertigo)
  • Mutrakricchra (Dysuria)
  • Raktapradara (Menorrhagia or Metrorrhagia or both)
  • Urdhvagata Raktapitta (Bleeding from orifices of the upper part of the body)
  • Raktavami (Haematemesis)

Specific quality of main ingredient

Combined Rasa Panchaka of Chandrakala Rasa;

  • Rasa – Tikta Madhura
  • Virya – Sheeta
  • Vipaka – Madhura

The main ingredients include Kajjali, Tamra, Abhrak Bhasma, and herbal dravyas which are mostly of Sheeta Virya.

  • Chandrakala Rasa balances Pitta-Vata dosha, mainly Pitta dosha when it gets aggravated by Ushna-Tikshna guna.
  • Sutsekhar rasa work on Visra, Sara, Drav, Amla guna of Pitta and Chandrakala Rasa work on Tikshna and Ushna Guna of Pitta.

As per ingredients, it has Rasayana, Yovahi, Deepan, Pachan, Raktaspittahara, Mutrala, Dahashamana, Raktavardhak Properties. This is primarily used for the treatment of Bleeding Disorders, Urinary Tract Infections, Mental Disorders, Diabetes, Diabetic

What is the dose of Chandrakala Rasa?

1-2 Rati

How to take Chandrakala Rasa and when?

One or Two tablets can be taken with Jirak, Mishri, and Milk or Gulkand

What is the disease-specific Anupana of Chandrakala Rasa?

  • Raktapradara (Metrorrhagia)- Ashokarishta, Kushmand swarasa
  • Sarakta Mutrapravrutti (Haematuria) – Hima of Gokshura, Dhanyaka
  • Mutradaha (Burning micturition) -Hima of Brhmi, Sariva, Parpata
  • Nasagata rakta (Epistaxis) -Ushirasava
  • Kshya, Jwara, Trishna- Rajata arka and Dadimavaleha

Common Queries

What is the indication of Chandrakala Ras?

Check out Indication in article

What is the reference of Chandrakala Rasa?

It is Mentioned in Yogaratnaka mutrakrichha chikitsa chapter, Rasatantrasara sidhaprayoga sangraha and AFI

What are the side effect of Chadrakala rasa?

It is Ayurvedic Rasa preparation containing purified metals; it is safe to consume inappropriate dose under the Guidance of Ayurvedic vaidya, If consumed in excess or without guidance may produce toxicity, GI disturbance, and Allergy.


In conclusion, Chandrakala Rasa stands as a revered Ayurvedic formulation known for its multifaceted therapeutic properties. With its potent blend of natural ingredients, it offers holistic support for urinary tract health, addressing conditions such as infections and Menorrhagia. Embraced for centuries in Ayurvedic practice, Chandrakala Rasa embodies the essence of traditional wisdom and modern healing. Its effectiveness in promoting well-being underscores the enduring relevance of Ayurveda in today’s healthcare landscape.

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