Benefits of Gokshur, dosage, side effects, and how to use?

Shrut Ayurved

15th Dec, 2023

Ayurvedic Herbs

What is Gokshur? Gokshura has been hailed as the ultimate diuretic solution. There are numerous benefits of Gokshur. From promoting kidney …

Benefits of Gokshur, dosage, side effects, and how to use?

What is Gokshur?

Gokshura has been hailed as the ultimate diuretic solution. There are numerous benefits of Gokshur. From promoting kidney health to boosting reproductive function, Gokshura has proven to be a versatile and potent herb. In this article, we will delve into the many wonders of Gokshura, exploring the benefits of Gokshur, its medicinal properties, and how it can enhance your overall well-being. Whether you’re seeking relief from urinary tract infections or hoping to optimize your reproductive health, Gokshura is here to offer you a natural and holistic solution

Gokshur in Ayurveda

Acharya Charaka identified it as the best drug for Mütrakṛcchra (dysuria) and Vata rogas (C.S.Su.25). It is one of the herbs which is “Mūtrala” (diuretic) as well as “Sothahara” (anti-inflammatory). The root is used in Daśamula while the fruit is Vṛshya. Bapalalji is of the view that both roots and fruits are to be used along with the whole plant in Ashmari (Urolithiosis).

What is Morphology of Gokshur?

Tribulus terrestris

Latin nameTribulus terrestris Linn. (Fam. Zygophyllaceae)

Tribulus terrestris is small prostrate hirsute or silky hairy herb. It has leaves that are stipulate, opposite, and usually unequal, abruptly pinnate. Leaflets are in 4-7 pars oblong and mucronate. Its flower is a solitary axillary or leaf as opposed to yellow or white. Its fruit are hairy five-angled spinous with two long and two short spines on each cocci.

Type of Gokshur

Two varieties of Gokshura, While commenting on Cakradatta, Shivadasa sen considered that a bigger variety of Goksura is the best one.

  1. Brihat gokshura (Pedalium murex linn.)
  2. Laghu gokshura (T. terrrestris)


Gokshuraka, Trikanta, Trikantaka, Svadamshtra, Svadukantaka, vanashrigat, Ikshugandhika, Chanadrum, Palankasa

Classical Categorization

Charak:Krimighna, Anuvasanopaga, Mootravirechaniya, Madhuraskanda, Aasthapan

Sushruta:Vidarigandhadi, Viratarvadi, Laghu panchmula, Madhura varga

Vaghbhatta:Vidarigandhadi, Madhura varga

Other/Regional Language Names

  • English:Caltrops root, Puncture vine
  • Gujarati:Betha gokharu, Nana gokharu, Mithogokharu
  • Hindi:Gokhru
  • Kannada::Sannanaggilu, Neggilamullu, Neggilu
  • Kashmiri:Michirkand, Pakhda
  • Malayalam:Nerinjil
  • Marathi:Sarate, Gokharu
  • Oriya:Gukhura, Gokhyura
  • Punjabi:Bhakhra, Gokhru
  • Tamil:Nerinjil, Nerunjil
  • Telugu:Palleruveru
  • Urdu:Khar-e-Khasak Khurd
  • Assamese:Gokshura, Gukhurkata
  • Bengali:Gokshura, Gokhri


Alkaloids and saponins, Haeman, NO3

Potassium nitrate, sterols, sapogenin with pyroketone ring (diosgenin), gitogenin and hecogenins

Fruits-Chlorogenin, diosgenin, gitogenin, rutin, rhamnose

Roots-Campesterol, B-sitosterol and stigmasterol, neotigogenin

Aerial parts- astragalin, dioscin, diosgenin, hecogenin, ruscogenin, trillin, furostanol glycoside, spirosterol saponin; terrestrosides A-F saponins C and G etc.

Rasa Panchak

  • Rasa:Madhura
  • Guna:Guru, Snigdha
  • Virya:Shita
  • Vipaka:Madhura
  • Karma:Vatanut, Vrishya, Bruhana, Mutrala, VastiShodhan

References in Ayurvedic texts

गोक्षुरको मूत्रकृच्छ्रानिलहराणाम् ।
(च० सू०: 25/40)

गोक्षुर : क्षुरकोऽपि स्यात्रिकण्टः स्वादुकण्टकः ।
गोकण्टको गोक्षुरको वनशृगांट इत्यपि ॥
पलङ्कषा श्वदंष्ट्रा च तथा स्यादिक्षुगन्धिका ।
गोक्षुरः शीतलः स्वादुर्बलकृद्वस्तिशोधनः ॥
मधुरो दीपनो वृष्यः पुष्टिदश्चाश्मरीहरः।
प्रमेहश्वासकासार्शःकृच्छहृद्रोगवातनुत् ॥
(भा० प्र०, गुडूच्यादिवर्ग; 44-46)

What are Benefits of Gokshur?

  • Kasa
  • Shvasa
  • Shularoga
  • Hridroga
  • Vataroga
  • Mutrakrccha
  • Ashmari
  • Daurbalya
  • Prameha
  • Svapnadosha

What is the use of Gokshur in texts?

  • Powder of Gokshura fruit is boiled with milk and consumed as Vajikara (G.N.)
  • Decoction of Sunthi and Gokshura is used in Amavata (C.D.).
  • Gokshura and flower of tila are applied externally as a paste with honey as Kesha vardhaka (Sha.Sa.).

How much is Dose?

20-30 g of the drug for decoction

3-6 g of the drug in powder form

What are the Useful Part

Mula(Roots), Phala(Fruits)


What are the side effects of Gokshur?

  • Tribulus Terrestris has been traditionally associated with enhancing testosterone levels.
  • Gokshura might interact with certain medications, including antihypertensive drugs, and could potentially affect blood sugar levels
  • Side effects are of taking the drug in high doses, under the guidance of qualified vaidya, or in appropriate doses it is safe to consume.

Additional information

List of formulations

  • Sahacharadi tail
  • Dashmoola
  • Gokshuradi guggulu
  • Gokshura rasayan

Morphology – Prasari Kshup(Perennial plant)


  • Biological activities and medicinal properties of Gokhru
  • Anti-cancer activity- One of the three new steroidal saponins from the fruits of T. terrestris exhibited cytotoxic activity against a human malignant melanoma cell line (Behdir & khan, 2000)
  • Nephroprotective activity- Nephroprotective activity was evaluated in gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity (80 mg/kg/day S.C.) in male albino rats, NR-AG-I (Containing C. nurvala, T Terrestris, D. biflorus & Shilajit) and NR- AG-II (C. nurvala, B diffuse S. officinarun & B. frondosa) were tested given for 12 days. Vera clearance and microscopical examinations of the kidney were performed after the treatment. Gentamicin caused nephrotoxicity as evidenced by the significant reduction in urea clearance and was prevented by both formulations. A study of renal microscopy showed necrosis, epithelial loss with granular degeneration, and fatty changes in gentamicin-treated rats and was reversed by both formulations. But. NR-1 Proved to be a better formulation (due to the presence of T-terrestris)-(Samiulla & Harish. 2001).
  • Simultaneous administration of T-terrestrials (200g/kg/day PO.) and gentamycin to female rats decreased gentamycin-induced renal damage in both structural & functional terms (Nagarkatti et al: 1994)
  • Lithotriptic property- Aqueous extract of T. terrestris (5 g/kg p.o./day) was tested in 6 male rats in whom hyperoxaluria was induced. 24 hr urinary oxalate excretion reversed to normal. from 1.97±0.314 to 0.144±0.004 mg/mg creatinine (p<0.001) within 21 days of administration of the drug and remained so until 15 days after withdrawal of extract and sodium glycolate (Sangeetha et al: 1993).
  • Hepatoprotective activity- The hepatoprotective activity of T. Terrestris is reported against CCI-induced hepatotoxicity in rats (Lee et al, 1992)
  • Diuretic activity decoction of fruits found to pos- ves a moderate diuretic activity in rats (Gujral et al: 1955). An alkaloid from T. terrestris produced a slight rise in B.P. and an appreciable rise in kidney volume (Chopra, 1956). Watery extract of Goksura possesses similar diuretic activity to urea both in rats and dogs. The diuresis was due to the potassium content of the extract (Karandikar et al; 1960).
  • Aphrodisiac property new original preparation Tribestan’ has been obtained from T. terrestris having a stimulation effect on sexual functions (Tomova, 1987).


The incredible Gokshura plant has been used in the Ayurvedic health system for centuries. There are many benefits of Gokshur and more recently, numerous studies have indicated that Gokshura can treat urinary tract infections, and kidney stones, and even promote a healthy urinary system. So, if we take a closer look at the details of this remarkable herb, we will soon see how Gokshura can help you maintain a healthy urinary system and ward off potential diseases.

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