Benefits of Coconut along with its Ayurvedic and health benefits

Shrut Ayurved

29th Jan, 2024

Fruits for Health

In this article, we will discuss about benefits of Coconut, Coconut water, and oil along with its Ayurvedic and health benefits

Benefits of Coconut along with its Ayurvedic and health benefits

What is Coconut?

A versatile and nutrient-rich fruit, Coconut has been a cornerstone in Ayurveda because of myriad health benefits of coconut. From its hydrating properties to its rich nutrient profile, coconut plays a pivotal role in promoting well-being. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, recognizes coconut as a ‘Shita’ or cooling food, balancing the ‘Pitta’ dosha. Its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties make it a valuable addition to Ayurvedic remedies. While some praise coconut for its ability to nourish the body and support digestion, others emphasize its potential impact on cholesterol levels. Exploring the diverse facets of coconut reveals a holistic perspective on its Ayurvedic significance.

Narkel in Ayurveda

नारियेल एक बहुत पसंदीदार fruit है। कोई बीमार पड़ता है तो सब उसे सबसे पहेले नरिएल पानी देते है। बालों मे नरिएल के तेल का ही ज्यादातर इस्तमाल करते है। तो चलो आज नरिएल के फायदे के बरेमे जानते है । सूखे और लील नारियल दोनो उपयोगी है और दोनो के फायदे एक समान ही है फरक इतना है की लीला नारियल पित्त को कम करने में मदद करता है तथा पचने में हल्का है। सुखा नारियल वात को कम करता है और पचने में भारी है, इसी के मुताबिक हमे चयन करना चाहिए की कोनसा नारियल खाए।

संहिता में नारियल को ह्द्य यानी हृदय के लिए अच्छा, भूख बढ़ाने वाला, ठंडा, बल और शक्ति बढ़ाने वाला कहा है, नारियेल जलन को कम करता है, वात पित्त तथा रक्त के रोगों में बहुत उपयोगी है, नारियेल urine की problem को दूर करता है और पेशाब साफ लाता है, पेशाब में जलन को दूर करता है। नारियल स्पर्म काउंट को बढ़ाता है, नारियल खाने से बाल घने है तथा बाल काले होते है और नारियल का तेल बालों में लगाने के लिए श्रेष्ठ है, महिला में सफेद पानी गिरने को समस्या को भी दूर करता है, नारियल पानी बहोत से minerals का स्रोत है उसमे पोटैशियम अधिक मात्रा में पाया जाता है जो हमारे शरीर के हर एक कोश के लिए आवश्यक है और ह्रदय की मांस पेशियों के लिए भी आवश्यक है।

What is Morphology of Cocos nucifera?


Latin name Cocos nucifera Linn.( Fam.Arecaceae, Palmae)

The coconut tree, scientifically known as Cocos nucifera, boasts a distinctive morphology that adapts it to tropical environments. This tall, slender tree features a straight, unbranched trunk crowned with a cluster of large, pinnate leaves. The leaves, or fronds, can grow up to 20 feet in length, giving the tree its iconic feathery appearance. The tree’s reproductive structures are enclosed within large, spherical fruits known as coconuts. Coconut fruits have a tough, fibrous husk surrounding a hard, woody shell, protecting the nutritious coconut water and meat inside. With a robust root system, the coconut tree anchors itself firmly in sandy coastal soils, thriving in regions with warm temperatures and high humidity, showcasing a remarkable adaptation to its tropical habitat.


Dridaphal, Dakshinatyak, Trinaraj, Rasa phala, Putodaka, Toyagarbha, Skandphala, Kurchakshirsha, Sadaphala

Classical Categorization

  • Dhanvantari Nighantu:Amradi Varga
  • Shodhal Nighantu:Amradi Varga
  • Madanpala Nighantu:Phaladi Varga
  • Raja Nighantu:Amradi Varga
  • Bhavprakash Nighantu:Amradiphala Varga
  • Kaidev Nighantu:Aushadhi Varga

Other/Regional Language Names

  • English:Coconut, Palm, Copr, Porcupine wood
  • Gujarati:Naliyar
  • Hindi:Nariyal, Narial, Kanchli, Narel, Shriphal
  • Kannada:Tengu, Elaneeru
  • Malayalam:Tenga, Tenge, Centennu, tena
  • Marathi:Naral, Varala
  • Punjabi:Kopa/ Narel
  • Tamil:Tennamarm, Tengai
  • Telugu:Kobbari chettu, Narikelamu
  • Urdu:Maghz narjil
  • Bengali:Narikel

Coconut nutrients

Coconut contains potassium, sodium, manganese, vitamin B, copper, and iron. Manganese is beneficial for bone health.

Research study shows coconut has anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, and wound healing properties.

Nutrient Content
(per 100gm)
Calories 354kcal
Carbohydrates 15gm
Total Sugars 6.2gm
Dietary Fiber 9gm
Protein 3.3gm
Fats 33.4gm
Calcium 14mg
Magnesium 32mg
Sodium 20mg
Potassium 356mg
Zinc 1.10mg
Phosphorous 113mg
Iron 2.43mg
Copper 0.43mg
Manganese 32 mg

Vitamins present in Coconut

  • Thiamine (vitamin B1)-0.066mg
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2)-0.02
  • Niacin (vitamin B3)-0.540mg
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6)-0.054mg
  • Folate-26mcg
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)-3.3mg
  • Vitamin K-0.2mcg
  • Choline-12.1mg

Rasa Panchak

  • Rasa:Madhura
  • Guna:Guru, Snigdha
  • Virya:Sheeta
  • Vipaka:Madhura
  • Karma:Vata-Pitta hara, Vasti shodhan, Balya, Brihana

References of Coconut in Ayurvedic texts

नालिकेर हिमं स्निग्धं स्वादुपाकरसं गुरु ।
तर्पणं पाचनं वृष्यं बृहणं बलमांसकृत ।
विष्टम्भि दुर्जरं हृयं श्लेष्मल वस्तिशोधनम् ।
दाहक्षतक्षयहरं वातपितासनाशनम् ||
तस्योदकं हिमं स्निग्धं मधुरं वस्तिशोधनम् ।
दीपनं शुक्रलंहयं लघु तृइदाहपित्तनुत् ॥
वृष्यं स्निग्धं नारिकेलस्य दुग्धमीषत् कुर्यात् पितदाहौ गुरु स्यात् ।
उष्णं हन्याद् वातगुल्मं बलासं बल्यं रुच्यं कासहत् स्वादु पाके ||
नालिकेरोद्भवं सर्पिबृंहणं बलवर्धनम्।
केश्यं पित्तानिलहरं मधुर रसपाकयोः ||
हृद्यं रुच्यं नवं प्रोक्तं पुराणं गुरु बातनुत् ।
तिक्तमध्यं मधुरं कण्डूकोठहरं परम् ||
नालिकेरोद्भवं तैलं बृंहणं बलवर्धनम् ।
केश्यं पित्तानिलहरं दन्त्यं मधुरमेव च ||
स्वादुपाकरसो रक्तपितघ्नः कफनाशनः ।
ग्रहणीदीपनानाहहितस्तद्वल्कजो रसः ।
शर्करा नालिकेरस्य मधुरा वातपित्तजित् । Kai. Ni.

नालिकेरप्रसूनं तु रक्तपित्तप्रमेहनुत्।
रक्तातिसारं हरति महालोहितनाशनम् ।
शीतलं सोमरोगघ्नं विबन्ध कुरुते भृशम् ॥
तद्रुमस्य शिरोमज्जा मधुरो रसपाकयोः ।
वातपित्तासशमनः शुक्रश्लेष्मविवर्धनः ||
नालिकेरतरुतोयमतीव स्निग्धमाशु मदकृद् गुरु वृष्यम् ।
साम्लभावमुपयात्यपराह्नश्लेष्मपित्तकरवातकृमिघ्नम् || कै.नि

नारिकेलं गुरु स्निग्धं पित्तलं स्वादु शीतलम् ।
बलमांसप्रदं वृष्यं बृंहणं वस्तिशोधनम् || ध. नि

नारिकेरफलं शीतं दुर्जरं वस्तिशोधनम् ।
विष्टम्भि बृंहणं बल्यं वातपित्तास्रदाहनुत् ||
विशेषतः कोमलनारिकेरं निहन्ति पित्तज्वरपित्तदोषान् ।
तदेव जीर्ण गुरु पित्तकारि विदाहि विष्टम्भि मतं भिषग्भिः ||
तस्याम्भः शीतलं हृद्यं दीपनं शुक्रलं लघु ।
पिपासापितजित्स्वादु बस्तिशुद्धिकरं परम् ||
नारिकेरस्य तालस्य खर्जूरस्य शिरांसि तु ।
कषायस्निग्धमधुरबृंहणानि गुरूणि च || भा.प्र

What are Benefits of Coconut?

  • Anti malerial activity
  • Healthy Fats:
    Coconuts are known for their high content of healthy fats, particularly medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). These fats are easily digestible and quickly converted into energy by the body. MCTs have been associated with various health benefits, including improved cognitive function, increased satiety, and potential weight management support.
  • Fiber:
    Coconuts are a good source of dietary fiber. Fiber aids in digestion, promotes bowel regularity, and helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels. The specific type of fiber found in coconuts is known as insoluble fiber, which adds bulk to the stool and supports healthy digestion.
  • Minerals:
    Coconuts are rich in minerals, including potassium, manganese, copper, and iron. Potassium is important for heart health, muscle function, and maintaining proper fluid balance in the body. Manganese and copper are involved in various enzymatic reactions, and iron is essential for oxygen transport and energy production.
  • Antioxidants:
    Coconuts contain antioxidants, including phenolic compounds and vitamin C, which help protect the body against free radicals and reduce oxidative stress. Antioxidants play a role in maintaining overall health and may have anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Electrolytes:
    Coconut water, found inside young coconuts, is a natural source of electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium. These electrolytes are essential for maintaining proper hydration, supporting muscle function, and maintaining electrolyte balance in the body.
  • Vitamin C:
    Coconuts provide a modest amount of vitamin C, which is an important antioxidant that supports immune function, collagen synthesis, and iron absorption.
  • B complex Vitamins:
    Coconuts contain small amounts of various B vitamins, including thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), and folate (B9). These vitamins play crucial roles in energy metabolism, nervous system function, and red blood cell production.

Health benefits of Coconut


Pitta jvarnashak(Fever), Pitta dosha nashak

Narikel Jala-

Shital, Hradhya(Good for heart), Dipan(Increase digestion), Shukrakar

नरिएल पानी के फायदे (coconut water benefits)


    • हिम (coolant)
    • स्निग्ध (unctuous)
    • मधुर (sweet in taste)
    • बस्तिशोधन (cleans urinary bladder)
    • दीपन (improves digestion)
    • शुक्रल (improves sperm and sperm quality)
    • हध्य (good for heart)
    • लधु (light for digestion)
    • तृष्णा नाशक (relieves excessive thirst)
    • दाह प्रशमन (relieves burning sensation)
    • पित्तहर (useful in pitta disordes)

सूखे नरिएल के फायदे (Dried, over ripe coconut)

        • गुरु (heavy to digest)
        • विदाही (causes burning sensation)

नरिएल तेल के फायदे (Coconut oil benefits)


        • तिक्त (Bitter in taste)
        • मधुर (sweet in taste)
        • बृहण (nourishing)
        • बलवर्धन (improves strength)
        • केश्य (promotes hair growth, good for hair)
        • दंत्य (makes teeth strong)

Coconut milk benefits


        • वृष्य (improves vigor)
        • गुरु (heavy to digest)
        • बल्य (improves strength)
        • रुचिकर (tasty)
        • कासहर (relieves cough)


In conclusion, the multifaceted benefits of coconut and its Ayurvedic applications underscore its significance in holistic wellness. Its nutrient-rich composition and versatile nature make it a staple in both culinary and medicinal practices worldwide. Through Ayurveda, coconut emerges as more than just a food item; it embodies therapeutic properties that balance the body and mind. While modern research validates many of its health claims, the traditional wisdom embedded in Ayurveda adds depth to its healing potential. As we embrace the coconut’s nourishing properties and incorporate it into our lifestyles, we honor a centuries-old tradition that celebrates the synergy between nature’s bounty and human well-being.

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