Benefits of Bhringraj, dosage, side effects, and how to use it?

Shrut Ayurved

9th Dec, 2023

Ayurvedic Herbs

What is Bhringraj? Bhringraj, scientifically known as Eclipta alba, emerges as a potent herbal ally in the realms of hair care …

Benefits of Bhringraj, dosage, side effects, and how to use it?

What is Bhringraj?

Bhringraj, scientifically known as Eclipta alba, emerges as a potent herbal ally in the realms of hair care and liver health. Revered in Ayurveda, this herb has garnered attention for its remarkable properties with multiple benefits of bhringraj. Its name, derived from Bhringa, the mythical bird, underscores its historical significance in promoting lush, healthy hair. Beyond its hair-nourishing capabilities, Bhringraj exhibits hepatoprotective attributes, supporting liver function. Ayurvedic practitioners harness benefits of bhringraj to address hair concerns and promote liver well-being. This article explores the dual prowess of Bhringraj, delving into its importance in both hair treatment and its role as a hepatoprotective agent.

What is Morphology of Bhringraj?

Eclipta alba

Latin name Eclipta albaHassk. (Fam. Asteraceae)

Eclipta alba is an annual, erect or prostrate herb, rooting at the noles. Its Leaves are sessile, 2.5-7.5 cm long, variable in breadth, oblong-lanceolate, subentire, acute or subacute, and strigose. Its Flowers are in heads 6-8 mm. in diameter, solitary or two on unequal axillary peduncles. Ray- flowers ligulate, white. Disk- flowers tubular, corolla 4-toothed. Its Fruits are achene, cuneate, compressed, and with a narrow wing. It is distributed throughout India, especially near the fields and water sources.

Types of Bhringraj

In Raja nighantu three varieties are mentioned.

  1. Sveta Bhṛngaraja (E. alba)
  2. Pīta Bhṛngaraja (Wedelia calendulacea Lees).
  3. Nīli Bhṛngaraja (E. alba?)

Bapalalji described another variety i.e.; Rakta Bhṛngarāja which is identified as Flaviera rependa.

It is observed that Pita Bhrgaraja is mainly used by the vaidyas of Kerala. W. chinensis is commonly mistakenly taken as Pīta Bhṛngaraja. W. chinensis has a resemblance with W. calendulacea however the former is grown often in the gardens in India.


Keshraja, Tekaraja, Bhringa, Markava,, Bhringraja, Keshranjan

Classical Categorization




Other/Regional Language Names

  • English:false daisy
  • Gujarati:Bhangaro, Bhangro
  • Hindi:Bhangara, Bhangaraiya
  • Kannada:Garujalu, Gurugada, Soppu, Keshavardhana, Kodigaraju
  • Malayalam:Kayyonni, Knnunni
  • Marathi:Bhangra, Bhringiraja, Maka
  • Punjabi:Bhangra
  • Tamil:Karisalankanni, Karisalanganni, Karisalai
  • Telugu:Guntakalagara, Guntagalagara
  • Urdu: Bhangra
  • Assamese: Bhrngaraja
  • Bengali: Bheemraja, Kesuriya, Kesari


Ecliptal, wedelolactone, des-me- thyl wedelolactone, stigmasterol; heptacosanol, hentriacontanol, sixteen polyacetylenic thiophenes etc.

Rasa Panchak

  • Rasa:Katu, Tikta
  • Guna:Ruksha, Tikshna
  • Virya:Ushna
  • Vipaka:Katu
  • Karma:Vata-Kapha hara, Amahara, balya, Rasayana, Keshya, Tvachya, Dantya, Chaksushya, Vishahara

References in Ayurvedic texts

भृङ्गराजो भृङ्गरजो मार्कवो भृङ्ग एव च ।
भृङ्गारको भूरेणुर्भृङ्गार केशरञ्जनः ।।
‘भृङ्गराजः रसाख्यातस्तिक्तोष्णो रूक्ष एव च ।
कफशोफामपाण्डुत्वग्घृद्रोगविषनाशनः ॥
( घ.नि.).

श्वेतकुष्ठापनोदनाय भृङ्गराजहरिद्रेन्द्रवारुणीनीलिकाः ।
पिष्ट्वा शुष्कगोमयेन श्वित्रप्रदेश आलोहितदर्शन प्रवृष्य लेपयेत् ।
पलितनाशनेऽपि पलितानि आच्छिद्य… विलिम्पेत् ॥
(सावण– शौ. १/२३/९)

भृङ्गराजो……. भृङ्गएव च। भृङ्गारको केशरञ्जकः ॥

मार्कवः कफपांडुघ्नः केश्यः श्वित्राक्षिरोगजित् ॥
(शो. निः)

भृङ्गराजः समाख्यातस्तिक्तोष्णो रूक्ष एव च ।
कफशोफामपाण्डुत्वगहद्रोगविष नाः।।
(ध० नि० करवीरादि वर्ग 11)

केशराजो भृङ्गराजः सूर्यावर्तोऽथमार्कवः ।
मार्कवः कटुकस्तिक्तो रूक्षोष्णोऽक्षिशिरोऽर्त्तिहत् ।।
कफवातहरो दन्त्यस्त्वच्यः केश्यो रसायनः ।
हन्ति कासकृमिश्वासकुष्ठशोफामपाण्डुताः ।।
(कै० नि० औषधिवर्ग 1574-1575)

भृङ्गराजास्तु चक्षुष्यस्तिक्तोष्णाः केशरञ्जना।
कफशोफविषघ्नाश्च तंत्र नीलो रसायनः।।
(रा ० नि० शताहादिवर्ग का)

भृङ्गारः कटुकस्तीक्ष्णो रूक्षोष्णः कफवातनुत् ।
केश्यस्त्वच्य कुमिश्वासकासशोथामपाण्डुनत् ।।
दन्त्यो रसायनो बल्यः कुष्ठनेत्रशिरोऽर्तिनुत् ॥
(भा.प्र. नि. गुडूच्यादिवर्गः २४०-२४१)

What are Benefits of Bhringraj?

  • Yakridroga
  • Krimiroga
  • Shotha
  • Svasa
  • Shirahshula
  • Kasa
  • Pandu
  • Hridroga

What is the use of Bhringraj in texts?

  • Garbhasthapana- Cow milk with an equal quantity of Bhṛnga raja svarasa should be given to pregnant women (Vai.Ma.).
  • Śvitra- Bhṛngaraja is fried with oil in an iron vessel is consumed and after that milk boiled with Bijaka shall be given as Anupana (A.H.Ci.20).
  • Naktändhyatva- Matsyandas boiled in Bhṛngaraja svarasa when consumed for seven days will cure night blindness (C.D.).
  • Bhringraj oil benefits -As a hair tonic it may be used along with Kakamaci fruit juice externally.

how much is Dose?

3 – 6 ml of the drug in juice form.

12 – 36 g of the drug in powder form for decoction

What are the Useful Part

Panchang (Whole plant)

Bhringraj oil

What are the side effects of Bhringraj?

  • Frequently urinating
  • Itching
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Low Blood Pressure
  • Side effects are of taking the drug in high doses, under the guidance of qualified vaidya, or in appropriate doses it is safe to consume.

Additional information

List of formulations

  • Bhringraja taila
  • Nili bhringadi taila
  • Tekaraja maricha
  • Sadbindu taila
  • Bhrigaräsava

Morphology – Kshup (Plant)


  • Hepatoprotective property of Bhringraj
  • The alcoholic extract of the plant has been reported to have antiviral activity against the Ranikhet disease virus (Dhar et al… 1968).
  • Alcoholic extract of E. alba (50mg/kg/day for 7 days) was studied for its protective effect against toxic hepatic injury in rats. The Na K+ ATPase activity was altered by CCI, paracetamol, and aflatoxin-induced hepatic injury. The restoration of Na K ATPase activity to normal suggests the use of the plants against hepatic injury (Mogre et al., 1981).
  • In a pilot study. E. alba inactivated HbSAg in vitro (Thyagarajan et al., 1982).
  • The CCI,-induced hepatotoxicity in rats was countered by E. alba in addition to its anti-inflammatory activity (Chandra et al., 1987).


In conclusion, Bhringraj emerges as a botanical gem, weaving together the strands of hair care and liver health in the rich tapestry of Ayurveda. Its historical significance as the “king of herbs” for hair finds resonance in modern studies showcasing its hepatoprotective prowess. As we navigate the delicate balance between cosmetic concerns and internal wellness, Bhringraj stands as a testament to nature’s multifaceted remedies. This herbal ally not only adorns our tresses with vitality but also supports the liver’s vital functions. Embracing the synergy between tradition and science, Bhringraj invites us to appreciate the holistic approach to well-being it offers.

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